Post Only Your Own Content is a community-supported platform showcasing user-created content. Please ensure that all works you publish are original, either created by you or with explicit permission from the original creator.


Content Ownership and Usage

Although published content is believed to be authorized for sharing and personal use as desktop wallpaper either by the uploader, author or for being public domain licensed content, unless otherwise noted in the wallpaper description, all images on this website are copyrighted by their respective authors. Therefore, if you wish to use these images for any other purpose, you must obtain permission from their respective authors.


Content Moderation reserves the right to decide whether to host or remove any wallpaper submitted by users. We aim to maintain a respectful and safe environment for our community.


Reporting Copyright Infringement

We take copyright infringement seriously. If you believe your artwork has been posted without permission, please use our “Report Image” feature and include:
  • Identification of the original work and the infringing material.
  • Links to both the original work and the infringing content.
  • Your contact information: email address.
Send your DMCA notice to [email protected]

Content Integrity Policy

To adhere to our website’s policies on content quality and user safety, we carefully monitor all user-generated content. We aim to prevent spam, misinformation, or any content that breaches our guidelines. Any such content will be swiftly removed, and users found responsible may face account suspension or banning.